Sami Ahmad Khan is a writer, academic and documentary producer. He writes, researches, edits and teaches Indian Science Fiction. Sami is the recipient of a Fulbright grant to the University of Iowa, USA, and holds a PhD in Science Fiction from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. His future-war thriller Red Jihad won two awards and his second (invasion) novel – Aliens in Delhi – garnered rave reviews. Sami’s creative writings and critical essays have appeared in leading journals, anthologies and magazines, his overview of Indian SF has been translated into Czech, and his fiction has been the subject of formal academic research. Sami has taught at IIT Delhi, JNU, JGU and GGSIP University. Sami has published (or has forthcoming work) in leading academic journals (Science Fiction Studies, Fafnir), university presses (MIT Press, University of Wales Press), and trade imprints (Gollancz, Hachette, Bloomsbury, Routledge, Rupa, Juggernaut, Niyogi) etc. His latest book is Star Warriors of the Modern Raj: Materiality, Mythology and Technology of Indian Science Fiction (University of Wales Press, 2021). He is presently a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway.